
1206 Lot 23 - Rosebank Belladonna

June 2012 auction

Grey mare, 29/10/2000, 14.2 hh
Dirk x Donna
On account of Byalee Stables

Feefee the Fresian is a gorgeous girl, happy to be ridden by young riders and adults alike. She has been successful in the breed rings, hacking and in dressage, and is already competent in shoulder-in, leg-yielding and turns about the haunches. She is now working through half-pass and counter canter. Fee is the same at home and at the competitions, serene and calm and exactly what the judges want to see! She has wonderful, supremely comfortable paces, ideal for someone who needs to look after their back, and allows the rider to sit very still. Fee is a proven broodmare with two foals to her credit and can go for months without being ridden and still be the same under saddle when brought back into work! Fee has recently carried her rider to champion, won reserve champion hack, and has dressage wins on over 70% with margins of more than 10% clear! She has been used here at Byalee for lessons and is one of our all-time favourites amongst
the pupils. Fee is an extremely interesting cross – Dirk was a stunning black Fresian stallion and her pedigree includes Arab and quarterhorse – a combination that in this case worked brilliantly! Fee is registered with the Australian Fresian Warmblood Horse Society. She is extremely quiet on the ground, easy to handle and float, and is sure to make someone a wonderful partner.



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